Chocolate and Generic Viagra

Chocolates come in the category of luxury food items. It is not a food item needed by the body, but chocolate lovers are all over the world .Thinking of chocolate itself brings a happy feeling to most of our minds. The beautiful sweetness combined with the mild bitterness of the cocoa being used which melts serenely within our mouths, it can be a sensuous experience especially when there are theories of chocolate being a natural aphrodisiac.

Chocolate consists of some of the chemicals which have been constantly linked to good feeling ,these natural occurring chemicals include phenylethylamine,which is also present within the human brain.Phenylethylamine (PEA) concentration within the brain has been found to reach high levels during orgasm. It has also being observed that when PEA is administered to a person there is an increase in dopamine levels and dopamine has being linked with sexual satisfaction. Another chemical which claims to add to the aphrodisiac power of chocolate is tryptophan. Tryptophan is the basic constituent of serotonin which is a chemical involved with sexual arousal. Thus the minute quantities of trptophan present in chocolate can induce similar feeling at a very small scale. Anandamide is another naturally occurring chemical found in chocolate. It has been seen to have effects, such as high sexual sensitivity and feeling of well being. There have being many paintings and scripts of earlier times which show chocolate being used as food and also as an aphrodisiac. Scientific studies have being done to explore the potential of this sweet delight as an aphrodisiac. There is no solid proof upto this time to support the notion that chocolate can act as an aphrodisiac. Scientific studies are still being conducted for the same.

However, if one wishes to treat erectile dysfunction; one can consume generic pills like Generic Viagra or its variation kamagra to beat the blues. With the consumption of this drug, one can feel the vigor and make love instinctively.